Serial Port Sniffer Open Source

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View on GitHub Open Serial Port Monitor Free open source application to monitor traffic over a serial port.


slsnif - Serial line sniffer


Free open source application to monitor traffic over a serial port. Simply choose the connection parameters, connect, and see the data received on the chosen serial port. Just plug in a sniffer serial cable to a 3rd machine with QNX. Execute the sniffer app ritten by u which is just a simple serial read write program. It will definitely work. Always remember the sniffer application u wrote should be set in the same baud and data rate in which ur serial communication works. Packet sniffer project is a network utility software which can be used to trace packet.Latest Networking project developed in java for student.This software can trace network packet much more like sniffer,sniffing dog.Download complete source code available in java. Serial Port Sniffer also offers advanced filtering and search, professional. SourceForge is an open-source community resource and Serial Port Monitor is one of the applications that it supports. But then, how do the Port Monitoring Tools (like one provided by Eltima) work? 1.1 Good commercial software which hooks the serial comm port would usually use a filter device driver that attaches itself to a serial port. 1.2 Client applications would generally have to perform the following: 1.2.1 Install the device driver to the system.

slsnif [-b] [-l logfile] [-i file] [-o file] [-s speed] [-t] [-x] [-p port2] [--colorcolor] [--timecolor color] [--bytescolor color] [-n] [-u] port1


slsnif is a serial line sniffer software. It listens to the specified serial port andwrites all data coming through it into either stdout (default) or a log file (if specified -- see option -l).

slsnif operates either by creating a pseudo tty (pty) and linking it to the serial port, or by linking two serial ports together. In order to set upa debug session one has either to start slsnif on a given port first, note the pty it had opened (also available from file /tmp/slsnif_pty whileslsnif is running), then configure the controlling software for the device being debugged to use this pty instead of the actual port, or, in case of twoports being used, simply start slsnif on two ports (see option -p) and watch the show :)

Note 1 : Slsnif will try to match port settings on pty and port (or on 1st and 2nd ports) as soon as it detects first chunk of data comingfrom the 'host side' (which is either pty or 2nd port). If it fails (in case of a braindead controlling software that doesn't set the baudrate correctly), onehas an ability to set baudrate by hand via option -s. Controlling software and slsnif should be set up to use the same baudrate, which in turnshould match the baudrate used by the device connected to the port.

Note 2 : If controlling software is running under vmware ( and pty is used, port in question should be disconnected from vmwarebefore invoking slsnif, and connected to the opened pty after slsnif has been started.


slsnif accepts the following parameters:
[-l <logfile>] ([--log <logfile>])
File to direct output to. Output is sent to stdout by default.
[-i <in-file>] ([--in-tee <in-file>])
File to dump raw data from device to. Multiple '-i' / '--in-tee' arguments result in multiple copies of data in corresponding files.
[-o <out-file>] ([--out-tee <out-file>])
File to dump raw data from host to. Multiple '-o' / '--out-tee' arguments result in multiple copies of data in corresponding files.
[-s <speed>] ([--speed <speed>])
Baudrate to use. Valid options are:
50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.
Defaults to 9600 baud.
[-b] ([--bytes])
Print number of bytes transmitted on every read.
[-p <port2>] ([--port2 <port2>])
Use real serial port instead of pty. Useful when one needs to log data going between two ports.
[-n] ([--nolock])
Disable locking of the port. Normally not a good idea, but can be very useful if one doesn't have permissions to write to lock directory (usually/var/lock/)
[-t] ([--timestamp])
Print timestamp for every transmission.
[-x] ([--hex])
Display hexadecimal ascii values.
[-u] ([--unix98])
Use SYSV (Unix98) ptys instead of BSD ptys.
[--color <color>]
Color to use for normal output.
[--timecolor <color>]
Color to use for timestamp.
[--bytescolor <color>]
Color to use for number of bytes transmitted.
Valid <color> values are:
black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta,
cyan, white, brightblack, brightred,
brightgreen, brightyellow, brightblue,
brightmagenta, brightcyan, and brightwhite.
[-h] ([--help])
Display help.

Rc File

The following options can be specified via rc-file '.slsnifrc', which should be located in the user's home directory:

Opened pty: /dev/ttyp0
Saved name of the pty opened into file '/tmp/slsnif_pty'.
Opened port: /dev/ttyS1
Baudrate is set to 2400 baud.

Note: pty slsnif has opened is /dev/ttyp0.


SIGHUP signal causes slsnif to move file pointer in all log files back to the beginning. This is useful for example when logfiles are rotated bylogrotate. SIGUSR1 signal causes slsnif to re-synchronize settings between ttys at any time. Useful for debugging software that changes portsettings in the middle of transmission.

See Also

setserial(8), stty(1).


Yan Gurtovoy <>.

With Windows 10 having been with us for a number of years, you would think that all of its secrets had been discovered by now. Of course, Microsoft has released numerous updates to the operating system but it's hard to imagine anything included in these going unnoticed, right?

Maybe not. You may not be aware that with Windows 10 October 2018 Update, Microsoft added a network packet sniffer, Packet Monitor or Pktmon. No one seemed to notice... until now.

See also:

Over the weekend Lawrence Abrams from BleepingComputer wrote about the Pktmon tool which Microsoft has said nothing about. When Windows 10 October 2018 Update was released, there was no mention of the network packet sniffer, it does not appear to be mentioned on the Microsoft website, and no documentation appears to have been produced.

You can find the utility at C:Windowssystem32pktmon.exe, and if you run it from the Command Prompt you will see a list of command you can use.


You can use the help parameter to learn more about each of the commands; for example:

pktmon comp help

If you want to monitor, for instance, port 80, you can add a filter with the command:

pktmon filter add -p 80

You can then start monitoring using the command:

pktmon start --etw -m real-time

You can stop monitoring with the command:

pktmon stop

Serial Port Sniffer Open Source

Details of what has been captured are saved in a file called PktMon.etl. You can convert this to plain text with the command:

pktmon format PktMon.etl -o packetlog.txt

Ip Port Sniffer

Alternatively, as Abrams points out, you could download the Microsoft Network Monitor which can read .etl files.

Online Port Sniffer

Image credit:bluebay / Shutterstock