Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio Free Download

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Android Gradle plugin 3.0.0 and later support all Java 7 language features anda subset of Java 8 language features that vary by platform version. Whenbuilding your app using Android Gradle plugin 4.0.0 and higher, you can use anumber of Java 8 language APIs without requiring a minimum API level for yourapp.

Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio Free Download For Pc

Android Studio requires JDK 7/JDK 6 so simply You can't use JDK 8. Look for more information Download Android Studio and SDK Tools. System Requirements for. Though we can have more than one JDK, it is easier to set paths and to work with just the latest one. Step 1: Download JDK from the site. Go to the Oracle site and open the Java SE download page. Under the latest version of Java Platform, Standard Edition, click on the JDK download button. Download Android Studio 4.1.1 from our website for free. The actual developer of the free software is Google. The program relates to Development Tools. This download was scanned by our built-in antivirus and was rated as virus free. The following versions: 4.0, 3.6 and 3.4 are the most frequently downloaded ones by the program users. Android Studio is a new and fully integrated development environment, which has been recently launched by Google for the Android operating system. It has been designed to provide new tools for app development and to provide an alternative to Eclipse, currently the most widely used IDE. Jdk 1.8 free download - JDK Heating & Air Conditioning, My Selfie Story: Episode 1 - 8, AURALBOOK for Trinity Grade 1-8, and many more programs.

This page describes the Java 8 language features you can use, how to properlyconfigure your project to use them, and any known issues you may encounter.Also see the following video for an overview.

Note: When developing apps for Android, using Java 8language features is optional. You can keep your project's source and targetcompatibility values set to Java 7, but you still need to compile using JDK 8.

The Android Gradle plugin provides built-in support for using certain Java 8language features and third-party libraries that use them. As shown in figure 1,the default toolchain implements the new language features by performingbytecode transformations, called desugar, as part of the D8/R8 compilationof class files into dex code.

Figure 1. Java 8 language feature support using desugar bytecode transformations.


Java 8 language feature support (Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.0+)

To start using supported Java 8 language features,update the Android pluginto 3.0.0 (or higher). After that, for each module that uses Java 8language features (either in its source code or through dependencies),update the module's build.gradle file, as shown below:

When building your app using Android Gradle plugin 3.0.0 and higher, the plugindoes not support all Java 8 language features. The following language featuresare now available on any API level:

Java 8 language featureNotes
Lambda expressionsNote that Android does not support the serialization of lambda expressions.
Method references
Type annotationsType annotation information is only available at compile time, and not at runtime. Also, the platform supports TYPE in API level 24 and below, but not ElementType.TYPE_USE or ElementType.TYPE_PARAMETER.
Default and static interface methods
Repeating annotations

In addition to the Java 8 language features above, plugin versions 3.0.0and later extend support fortry-with-resources to all Android API levels.

Desugar currently doesn't supportMethodHandle.invoke orMethodHandle.invokeExact.If your source code or one of your module dependencies use one of these methodsyou need to specify minSdkVersion 26 or higher. Otherwise, you get thefollowing error:

In some cases, your module may not be using the invoke or invokeExactmethods even when they're included in a library dependency. So, to keep usingthat library with minSdkVersion 25 or lower,enable code shrinking to removeunused methods. If that doesn't work, consider using an alternative library thatdoesn't use the unsupported methods.

Java 8+ language features desugaring that is available from Android GradlePlugin 3.0.0 does not make any additional classes and APIs (such asjava.util.stream.*) available for use on older Android releases. Support forpartial Java API desugaring is available from Android Gradle Plugin 4.0.0 orhigher and is described in the following section.

Java 8+ API desugaring support (Android Gradle Plugin 4.0.0+)

Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio Free Download For Windows 10

If you're building your app using Android Gradle plugin 4.0.0 or higher, theplugin extends support for using a number of Java 8 language APIs withoutrequiring a minimum API level for your app.


This additional support for older platform versions is possible because plugin4.0.0 and higher extend the desugaring engine to also desugar Java language APIs.So, you can include standard language APIs that were available only inrecent Android releases (such as java.util.streams) in apps that support olderversions of Android.

The following set of APIs are supported when building your app using AndroidGradle plugin 4.0.0 or higher:

  • Sequential streams (java.util.stream)
  • A subset of java.time
  • java.util.function
  • Recent additions to java.util.{Map,Collection,Comparator}
  • Optionals (java.util.Optional, java.util.OptionalInt andjava.util.OptionalDouble) and some other new classes useful with the aboveAPIs
  • Some additions to java.util.concurrent.atomic (new methods onAtomicInteger, AtomicLong and AtomicReference)
  • ConcurrentHashMap (with bug fixes for Android 5.0)

For a complete list of supported APIs, visitJava 8+ APIs available through desugaring.

To support these language APIs, the plugin compiles a separate DEX filethat contains an implementation of the missing APIs and includes it in your app.The desugaring process rewrites your app’s code to instead use this library atruntime.

To enable support for these language APIs on any version of the Android platform,update the Android pluginto 4.0.0 (or higher) and include the following in your module’s build.gradlefile:

We’ll be using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate for most of our general Java development, as well as for our Android-targeted development. However, like many IDEs, IntelliJ IDEA depends on core components that we must install before we can make much use of the IDE. One of these components is the JDK; another is the Android SDK. With the latter, we’ll install a number of packages that provide additional capabilities for Android development.

Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio Free Download

Note that as written, this environment preparation step assumes that the JAVA_HOME environment variable refers to the JDK 8 (aka 1.8) installation, and that the bin subdirectory of the JAVA_HOME-referenced directory is on the PATH.

(It’s actually possible to perform or repeat this step after installing JDK 11—or any other JDK after 8—but JAVA_HOME and PATH must first be adjusted, to refer to JDK 8 instead of JDK 11. Thus, it is much simpler just to perform this step after installing JDK 8, but before installing JDK 11.)

Important: As is almost always the case in this bootcamp, spelling and casing matter! When creating the directories specified below, please use the names and paths exactly as stated.


Download and installation

(For those unfamiliar with command line interfaces, it might be useful to read through Command line interfaces before performing the steps below.)

  1. From the Command line tools only section of the Android Studio download page, download the SDK tools package appropriate for your platform.

    Important: Depending on your browser, and a number of other factors, the above link may take you directly to the correct section of the download page—or it may not. Please make sure that you scroll to the section labeled Command line tools only, and click on the link starting with commandlinetools appropriate for your platform.

  2. Extract the contents of the downloaded file to one of the following paths, depending on your platform:

    • Windows: C:androidsdk

      Important: There is a subtle problem with the built-in Windows ZIP file support; it doesn’t occur often, but it does happen with the most recent couple of versions of this specific download, and it results in the extracted contents of this downloaded file being placed in incorrect directories. We recommend using a tool such as WinZip or 7-Zip, rather than relying on the built-in ZIP features of Windows for this extraction. If you don’t have any such tool installed, then you can use the unzip command included with Git Bash. To do this, open a GitBash window, and execute the following commands—which will create the C:androidsdk directory and unzip the downloaded file to that location. Note that the commands assume you’ve downloaded the commandlinetools-win-6609375_latest.zip file to your Downloads directory; if you’ve downloaded it to another location, you’ll need to adjust the second line below accordingly.

      If you have an alternative ZIP management tool installed (e.g. WinZip, 7-Zip), you can create the android directory in the root of the C: drive, and the sdk directory within android, using the standard features of the Windows explorer (if you’re prompted to confirm administrator access when creating the directories, or extracting the files, do so), or with the mkdir command from an elevated command prompt. After creating the C:androidsdk directory, extract the tools directory (and its contents) into C:androidsdk, using your ZIP management tool of choice.

    • OS X: /opt/android/sdk/

      You will need use superuser access—e.g. using the sudo command—to create the directories in Terminal. You can also extract the ZIP file contents from the command line: (Note that the commands assume you’ve downloaded the commandlinetools-mac-6200805_latest.zip file to your Downloads directory; if you’ve downloaded it to another location, you’ll need to adjust the second line below accordingly.)

      Alternatively, you can create the /opt/android/sdk directory from the command line, and then use the standard ZIP-management features of the Finder to extract the ZIP file contents.

    • Linux Ubuntu: /opt/android/sdk/

      You will need use superuser access—e.g. using the sudo command—to create the directories in Terminal. You can also extract the ZIP file contents from the command line: (Note that the commands assume you’ve downloaded the commandlinetools-linux-6609375_latest.zip file to your Downloads directory; if you’ve downloaded it to another location, you’ll need to adjust the second line below accordingly.)

      Alternatively, you can create the /opt/android/sdk directory from the command line, and then use the standard ZIP-management features of the Ubuntu file manager to extract the ZIP file contents.

  3. Download android-sdk-setup.zip, and extract its contents to the appropriate directory for your platform:

    • Windows: C:android.
    • OS X and Ubuntu: /opt/android/.

    When this step is complete, you will have the following overall structure:


    • C:
      • android
        • android-sdk-setup.bat
        • android-sdk-setup-osx.sh
        • android-sdk-setup-ubuntu.sh
        • sdk
          • tools

    Linux or OS X

    • /
      • opt/
        • android/
          • android-sdk-setup.bat
          • android-sdk-setup-osx.sh
          • android-sdk-setup-ubuntu.sh
          • sdk/
            • tools/
  4. Run the extracted setup script for your platform:

    • In Windows, right-click on C:androidandroid-sdk-setup.bat in the Windows Explorer, and select Run as administrator from the context menu that appears. Alternatively, open an elevated command prompt, navigate to the C:android directory, and execute the android-sdk-setup.bat batch file.

    • In OS X, execute sudo /opt/android/android-sdk-setup-osx.sh in a terminal window.

    • In Linux Ubuntu, execute sudo /opt/android/android-sdk-setup-ubuntu.sh in a terminal window.

    Note: These scripts download and extract a large number of files. Depending on the speed of your internet connection, this step could take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours. Thus, we strongly recommend that you use the highest-bandwidth connection available (for example, your local Flying Star’s wi-fi is definitely not up to the task).